The Sea Grape (Coccoloba uvifera), native to the sandy seashores of
tropical America, usually forms a low shrub or small tree. The stiff,
roundish leaves may measure 8 by 7 inches (20 by 17.5 cm) and have
prominent veins.
The attractive appearance of the leaves on the flexuous branches and the
resistance of the plant to damage by salt make it valuable as an
ornamental for ocean-side homes.
Small white flowers are produced on
slender, hanging racemes 4 to 10 inches long (10 to 25 cm). As many as
40 or 50 fruits may be found on a single cluster, giving the appearance
of a bunch of grapes.
The velvety fruits are round to pear-shaped, about 3/4 of an inch long
(2 cm), and range from dark purple, to purple, to occasionally off
white. The edible pulp surrounds a globular seed with a short sharp
point on the top. The pulp is sweetish-acid in flavor and is eaten out
of hand or is used to make an excellent jelly.
The sea grape can be readily propagated by seeds and by cuttings of ripe wood. Excellent Houseplant and Bonsai material.
If you can grow tomatoes, you can grow pepinos.
The Pepino, also called the Melon Pear,is a rare and delicious fruit
you're not likely to find in markets.
It's neither a melon nor a pear,
but is related to tomatoes and eggplant. Pepino is a leafy, small bush
or shrub with beautiful purple and white flowers, easy to grow in any
zone free of frost. Perfect for patio containers and hanging baskets.
Pepino or Poire-melon is a species of evergreen shrub native to South
America and grown for its sweet edible fruit. Put them in a salad or eat
them for dessert.
The fruit is common in markets in Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru and
Chile, but less often overseas because it is quite sensitive to handling
and does not travel well.
The fruit has been introduced into up-scale markets in Japan, Europe and
North America and it is slowly becoming less obscure outside of South
America. Moreover, in the United States the fruit is known to have been
grown in San Diego before 1889 and in Santa Barbara by 1897.
Ideal for growing in the greenhouse or a sheltered sunny spot outdoors
in a container, as the plants need warmth to flower and fruit
Jewelweed (Impatiens capensis) is a hardy annual wildflower that grows
in moist or wet area, often by lakes or streams.
The tubular flowers are
orange or yellow-orange speckled with red, the leaves are deep green.
The long seed pods that appear after flowering will explode when
touched, scattering the seeds. Plant in full sun to full shade in moist
or wet humus rich soil.
It will not grow well in dry soil. Seeds may be
planted in spring or fall. Grows quickly. Self sows. Grows to a height
of 1-5ft and will spread to 18 - 24 inches.
Jewelweed is often used in aiding the discomfort of poison ivy and
insect bites. The juice present in the stems and leaves will alleviate
the itching and rash of poison ivy in some people. Fresh leaves and
stems may be crushed and applied to the area. The leaves and stems can
also be simmered in a small amount of water and frozen for use at a
later time.
Exotic plants and flowers are my hobby! With the hard garden labor help and great ideas of my Husband, kids, cats and myself we produce amazing plants.