Update. Got seeds! I had to choose between 1 French, 1 German, 2 African and 2 American suppliers, that's it. Ended up buying home based.
This evergreen climber with absolutely gorgeous blooms and lush big leaves is grown all over the Tropics and some subtropical areas. It is related to the Morning Glory with fast growing thick stems and fleshy heart shaped leaves. Cup shaped flowers emerge at the leaf axils in clusters and are 2-3"across, bright crimson with yellow and orange streaking. They are scented and seem to last a day or two. Leaves are large, growing in shade up to 10-12" wide, dark green and velvet, very ornamental even when not in bloom.
The plant likes lots of water, especially if grown in full sun. As with any blooming plants, the rule is - the more sun, the more flowers. However, this plant can be planted in shade probably with advantage: it will still continue blooming profusely, but the leaves will grow much larger, that will create a gorgeous tropical look.
If planted in ground, this plant requires significant space due to its fast growing habit. However, it can be easily grown in container as well. You may trim any unwanted twigs which won't hurt the plants appearance and will encourage new blooms in leaf axils. .......
Edit. US Source: Seeds yay!