Unconventional Plants, Rare Seeds, Exotic Seeds, Unique Vegetables, Odd Fruits, Unusual Botanics
Posted by
Garden Medusa
Labels: Beard Dianthus
What an unusual species and, of course, nowhere to be found for purchase. It appears that this plant is patented and very much restricted to whole sale nurseries only.
The African Daisy, Osteospermum ecklonis Nasinga, or also called Scape Daisy, is a wonderful early spring and fall plant. This low maintenance variety is perfect for hanging baskets, combination's, window boxes and landscapes.
Posted by
Garden Medusa
Labels: African daisy, Osteospermum ecklonis Nasinga, scape daisy, spoon daisy
- Mexican Flame Vine Pseudogynoxys chenopodioides X Seneci
- Burbidgea Scheizocheila
- Brugmansia 'Super Spot'
- Cornus florida subspecies urbiniana
- Mucuna Bennetti