
Spectacular Snowdrops on a Branch

The Japanese Snowbell is a beautiful small tree. Rounded and horizontally layered. 3/4-inch bell-shaped white flowers with yellow stamens. Dark green leaves turn yellow or orange-red in the fall. Native to Japan. Great to use as a border in a garden or to provide shade on a patio.

When choosing a location, keep in mind that the Japanese Snowbell has a moderate growth rate. It grows up to 30 feet in height and 30 feet in spread. It can be planted in zones 6 to 8. Prefers full sun to light shade and moist, acid, rich, well-drained soil. Shallow root system.

How To Start These Seeds:
Scarification: Soak in water, let stand in water for 24 hours.
Stratification: Warm stratify for 90 days, cold stratify for 120 days
Germination: Sow seed 3/8 inch deep, tamp the soil, mulch the seed bed.

If refrigerated upon receipt, these seeds can be stored for up to a year before you decide to use them.

Seeds found here:



  1. Beautiful drops indeed. I wonder why I havent seen it around here

  2. I am not sure. It's always amazing to find new gems such as this.

  3. Anonymous5:57 PM

    beautiful! thanks for photo. I just planted my new snowbell and look forward to next year's blossoms, if they arrive. We live a bit north of Vancouver, BC.

  4. sorry, meant to leave my name.

  5. In the directions it says to "scarify". I'm not sure how much of the seed or which part of the seed should be exposed... never done this before help!
